Naturstrand Sa Mesquida Strandkarte und Reiseführer Menorca – ALLES, was Sie wissen müssen
Zu Vergleichszwecken zeigen wir so oft wie möglich Strandfotos sowohl von der Hochsaison im Sommer als auch von der Vorsaison.

Alles über den Strand Sa Mesquida und unsere Einblicke

A favourite for the locals of Mahon and a great beach. No services ( toilet huts provided) available but the fishing village of Sa Mesquida which you must pass through has a bar restaurant and tiny supermarket 1 mile before the beach.

There is a van on the beach selling homemade Italian ice cream. The prices are very reasonable given the captive audience and the ice cream is very good - also sells cold drinks and basic snacks.

Free car parking and then a walk to the beach. The right hand side nearest the cliffs is often used by nudists. Used by the locals from Mahon at the weekends.

TIP visit excellent Cap Roig fish restaurant for lunch - located just before village.



Sa Mesquida Strand

mobile Ice Cream van
generall to a little baylet closest to car park

Wie komme ich zum Sa Mesquida Strand ?

Strand mit Wassertaxis

Strandausflüge mit dem Boot

Sehenswertes ,Touristische Aktivitäten Mahon

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